Laptop booting problems

Along with so many other problems there is one more unseen problem with most of the laptops. They just wont boot when it is turned on. There can be many reasons for not booting, it is either hardrive problem, mother board problem or can be a ram problem. There may be some thing wrong with Laptop LCD which does not show the display but rest of the machine is works fine, it may give impression that laptop is not booting specially for non technical notebooks users.
There is one thing which i am sure not many people would not know about why Laptops wont boot apart from problems mentioned above. This is feature not a problem, it actually saves your notebook for any sort of further damage. For example in Sony Vaio laptops if some thing is wrong with power management unit insite laptop, or if it is mother board issue or any thing which may harm your computer on showing display it will stop it display for avoide further damages.
There are no recommendations as such to avoid the sitation and this can happen to any brand of laptop. The only appropriate way is to go to laptop repaire centre who have good enough experience in repaire problems in notebooks.


Overheating problem of laptops

How to position laptop while working?
When i say how to hold or position laptop while working, it means the position in which notebook is placed while working over it. Performance of laptop is some times directly dependent on the way laptop is placed while in use. What we take advantage of being laptop and mobile computer, we place it on our bed, sofa or some time even in our laps just to relax and feel real comfort while working. This position is actually put laptops in real battle. It performs all its function by applying the maximum power of its processors. When processors functions to its limits, stability of notebook operating systems goes down.
Laptops contain processor on which there is one fan placed over to keep the inner portion of notebook cool. The harder notebooks works, hotter its equipments become and this heat is important to be exhausted out side the laptop . There is one exhaust fan place right beneath the laptop in most cases; the function of this fan is to release all the heat of laptop. When we position our notebooks on soft places like Beds, Sofa's and our laps it does not allow the heat to get out of the machine and it makes machine hotter. If you touch machines body that time you would feel the heat on the outer surface of laptops. This heating up machine will slower the machine down, puts its performance way down.
It is highly recommended that one should not place laptops on such soft places. Its important for heat to be exhausted out to keep performance up to the mark. It is recommended to place laptop on computer table where surface is harder and heat can easily be drained out by exhaust fans. There are laptop pads available in market for placing laptops on when using softer places, notebooks are placed over this pad to avoid laptop getting heated up.


BIOS / Driver issues

When we purchased new laptops we are provided by latest drivers for hardware and Licence operating system CDs etc. As time go along we just use laptop for our work and do not update drivers, windows and latest released BIOS. BIOS is Binary Input / Output Systems. When we do not update windows, problems like slowing down of computer, attacking and effecting of different male ware malicious viruses and worms occur. This effect the performance of system and miss use the recourse of notebooks. In the same way when we do not update the drivers for hardware installed into the notebooks they eventually starts creating problems, problems like hanging computers, disconnections in case wireless internet or network connectivity. If we do not update drivers for our graphics cards lets say, it may not run certain programs in which Graphical memory is required. If we do not update sound cards driver lets say, we may never know what your hardware is offering you when latest drivers were released. There are so many other problem can come up if computer is not kept updated with operating systems, hardware drivers and BIOS information.

It is highly recommended that one should purchase licence copy of operating system so that they can avail the facility of keeping their systems update with latest features and enhancements offered to them. Once in every two months latest drivers for hardware should be installed to keep the hardware running smoothly with full effect. BIOS should also be updated once in while to keep the computer secure and update with latest features. BIOS can be downloaded from the website of manufacturers, you enter brand and model no. to your Laptop and it will provide you with latest BIOS updates required to be done.


Charger cable problem

Charging cable issue is another very common problem occurs with most of laptop users. Problems like cable breakage from the joint of charger adaptor and cable it self are the common one. When this kind problem occur, it can be deadly for notebook it self. Charging chord can be dangerous when it is loose from any where, it can create sparks and can burn any thing attached to it. Do not attach the chord which is broken or loose to any device or laptop. Basically this problem comes up the way we rap our notebook charger and place in its case. What we mostly do is we rap the power chord on the charger it self which in effect loose the joints of cable from charger and eventually its outer insulation breaks and internal wire become visible. To continue using charging chords of this condition can be dangerous for your charger, notebook and for your self also because its can spark and there is a chance of serious electric shock. It is strongly recommended to not to rap the wire on the charger.


Laptop battery charging problem

Without charging notebooks they are useless, it is piece of incredible machine which is of no use. Charging capability made possible the mobility of laptops from one place to another. That gives such a huge success to this nature of computers. Now laptops are used by every company to maximizing their productivity. Charging this machine is important to keep the work going on. The more laptop used more charging is required. We do not give any importance to charger adaptor which charges the laptop and take that for granted, in fact it require as much care as a notebook its self. We use laptop with charging plugged into laptop regardless of what the charge is left in laptop, whether it is 50% or its 100% charged already. What should be done when laptop is fully charged?, we should remove power cable of charging adaptor this way we save some life for our charger adaptor and help our notebooks recharging cells also. However, we just let it get charged even after it’s fully charged. What does happen in effect to it is, it reduces the life time of charging adapter and it usually burns and stops charging the laptop. It costs about 50 $ to 75 $ to purchase new charger for notebook. If laptop brand is apple that can be even more costly.

To continue charging after when notebook is fully charged can also be dangerous for notebook it self. If charger, during charging the laptop stops working, it can be risky for laptop also and can make its electronic chips stop working. It can also burns the capability of charging cells to stop charging and charging process of laptop can stop and put the laptop to stop working all together.

I highly recommend from my personal experience that one should remove power chord from electric plug when either laptop is fully charged or its not plugged with laptop for charging purpose. It will be better if charged is disconnected from electric supply and can put it on when it is required. It is also recommended that one should remove charging chord from laptop when laptop is fully charge, because keep on charging fully charged laptop can be dangerous to laptops and of course to charger it self. Just use charger when charging is going down in the notebook else keep it removed while using your laptop.


Windows / Software recovery problem

Owner of notebooks use to get all the drivers and licensed version of Window CD's on purchasing new laptop back about 3 years from now. They operate windows and protect the CD's from losing or breaking, because without them notebook wont work until you purchase new licence of windows. But since recent past notebook manufactures are now providing licence windows with all hardware drivers built in notebook. When you start your notebook for the first time, it will ask all necessary details in the beginning and run the setup of windows it self. Then name will be required to enter for which window will get register against. In about 30 minutes the entire setup will be done including hardware drivers etc.

When window and other required software are installed on the notebook, there are chances for saved licence windows and drivers to the hardware for the notebook might get erased or accidently deleted. In case this happens this could cost you another laptop, because you may can purchase new window Xp or Window Vista Cd or other operating systems but appropriate drivers to the hardware of notebook can make your work much more harder. This usually happens people keep using the windows and when it crashes, they wish to reinstall the setup; no initialization files are then appears in drivers thus the entire laptop goes wasted.

Luckily notebook operating system provides us with very useful tool to avoid such a situation. There is a tool known to be "Data Recovery CD". This tool allows us to write down entire window and hardware drivers software on Cds, DVD's or DVD's with double Layer capacity. Normal CD's takes about 13 cds to copy window Visa home premium edition. It takes about 3 DVDs to copy data and 2 DVD with dual layer to save windows and drivers. However, there is one limitation. When we create recovery CD's that all what we have, as we cannot re write recovery data cd. It is allowed once to do so. It is highly recommended that when you write data recovery cd, you use good quality DVD. Do not use CD's as it is required in huge number. And that can create big problem in case something goes wrong with any of them. If you use double layer DVD(8GB) that is best as it can write all data on 2 DVDs, these DVDs are not much expensive than normal 4 GB data DVD.

What is highly recommended is to copy the DVDs which you have written from data recovery CD tool. This will keep your DVD safe in case if they do not work some time, its always good and safe to have backup for the backup.

Windows and driver software are important to any system, without it most of the notebooks will not be able to operate normally. Make sure you do take care for small but very vital steps when you buy new notebook.


CD/DVD Reading/writing problems

DVD or CD reading issue is the most common problems encountered by every computer user at certain stage, whether it is laptop user or desktop computer operator because they operate on same mechanism. The common problem which occurs to CD/DVD Rom is not reading the inserted disk. Every DVD/CD Rom has certain life time which once over, it is over. However there are few steps and precautionary measure which can improve and increase the life of DVD/CD Rom. First I should mention what reduce life for these drives.
Mostly regular disk lens cleaning is not performed and dust particles starts setting on the surface of the lens in result making it harder for reading CDs inserted. It is highly recommended that lens cleaner should be used once in week to keep the lens clean for longer life time of DVD/CD drives.

One more reason for faulting is head of DVD/CD Rom. Head helps reading the inserted disk in drive, it has certain time during which it reads inserted disk easily but after words it starts skipping and eventually stops reading, the more header used the quicker it will lose the power to read. It is recommended to not to keep cds in side drives when it is not required. It will only use head uselessly. Insert Cds only when it is required, after using it take the disk out of the drive so that head is no more used, this way heads life can be increased and DVD/CD drives can perform better and for longer period of time.


Laptop screen problem

This is another issue with laptops which happens out of no where. Spots are often appears on LCD of notebooks which do not go and can be seen easily when LCD is on. This kind of problem has nothing to do with the usage of laptops. This kind of problem only occurs when some one presses the LCD with finger. LCD stands for liquid crystal display, as name suggests it contains liquid including millions of colours forming the crystal clear picture. When it is pressed the liquid moves from its actual place leaving behind the vacuum at that particular spot, that dryness makes spot appears and destroys the crystal clear imagery mechanism of LCD. To keep the sharp and clear picture alive on your notebook avoid touching and pressing the screen. Clean LCD with cloth with soft hands for better performance.


Laptop keyboard problems

Keyboard is part which gets most of the hammering, weather it is laptop or desktop computers. Keyboard of desktop computers can be replaced easily once they get ineffective, but when keyboard of laptops become useless entire laptop becomes useless. This can happen whiling normal typing and any key of keyboard can become ineffective. There are two major reasons for this problem.

We work on our notebooks day in day out but do not clean it before using it, what damages the keyboard most is dust, dust partials keeps getting collected in side keyboard, constant cleaning is must for keeping the keyboard in working condition. Dust particles continue to reside in keyboard small gaps and eventually make keys or in some case entire keyboard useless. It is strongly recommended to keep the keyboard clean after and before using it. There is one more tip which can be helpful, try to keep the peace of cloth on the keyboard before shutting it down. This will help to reduce dust to reside in keyboards.

One other reason for keys to get ineffective is the way of typing. If we press the keys hard and hit our fingers forcefully over keyboard that can be dangerous for keyboards. This is can break the internal structure of keys beneath the keyboard and can ruin your notebook forever. It is recommended to use soft hands for typing and do not press keys with force.


Laptop breaking problems

This image will show you how laptop is broken from one of its left joint which holds the lower body or laptop and LCD togather.

Laptops are opened to start work and it has to be closed for shutting it down. During this on going process of opening and closing it we usually make mistakes which damage the sensitive portion of laptops which join both halves of machine together. This kind of damage is mostly occurred due to the way of our holding habits of notebooks. Of course no one do that on purpose but holding it with certain angles put joints under immense pressure which eventually break them apart and bring laptop life to its very end.

The major and most un noticeable act of users is of holding it with two hands, grabbing lower portion of machine with one both hand and LCD portion hanging in air all by it self, in this certain way it effect corner edges of notebook and by continuing this way of holding will definitely break or lose the joints holding both portions together. (See the image to understand how not to hold your laptop.)

It is always recommend closing the machine and then moving it around, this way it will be in better grip and no pressure would be exerted on joints of laptops, hence giving it life for longer period of time. One other safe way of holding your open laptop is by holding it from lower body with one of the hands, and hold the LCD corner with other hand. by this no extra pressure or force would be exerted over laptop joints and it will continue to keep the joints together for long time. (See the picture for better understanding).

One very obvious and common reason for this kind of breakage is shutting the laptop down with force or leaving it in half way so that it fall it self, opening it forcefully can damage it too. Applying extra pressure on laptops’ one half puts extra pressure on the other half. This pressure is exerted on the joints of the laptop which hold both the halves together. It is highly recommend to open and close your laptop politely and with soft hands and do not apply extra force to quickly open it, it will only effect and damage from sensitive points.


Laptop screen breakage.

Laptops are sensitive gadgets. Since we move it around from places to place there are more chances for us to make a stupid mistake to break some thing out of it. Most common part of notebooks which are mostly get the treat is "laptop screen" Laptop LCDs are most attractive and most sensitive part, if it falls or little pressure is exerted over LCD it can break and ruin the the laptop forever. That is understood most of LCD breaking tragidies happens because of accidental fall, but you will not believe that there are many people who braeks LCDS with thumb by applying pressure on screen just to see the liquad and colors of the screen moving inside. Try to avoid this childish act because this action can cost you your laptop.
There is one more reason for broken LCDs, which is shutting it down forcefully. Forcefully shut downing the half of the portion (lcd)of laptop breaks it after hitting on the top of the other half of notebook. Always close the laptop with your hand until it meet the jacks which holds the entire laptop togather.
Some time LCDs breaks due to carring it in hands without case and it falls accidently. It cannot only break LCD but damage your notebook futher more to the level of complete useless, even after installing new Lcd. So it is always recommended to carry your laptop in its case so you can grip it better. There are lesser chances for its breakage in its case than without it.


Potential problems in Laptops

No one can deny the fact about ease of usability of technology of mobile computers. There is a term associated with laptop "take you office with you". Yes, this term is very correct, it is like taking your office in your hands carring from home to office back and forth. As we carry mobile machine for our own ease we put our systems through lot of trouble making actions, acts we perform to carry it some times, some times the way we open it, shuts it down and so many small but critical movement which are potentially deadly for laptops. Here are few of the most common problems accur during life time of laptops.
  • Laptop screen breakage
  • LCD joint breakage
  • Keys of keyboard
  • Spots on LCDs
  • CD or DVD roms
  • Window/Software recovery issues
  • Laptop chargers issues
  • Charger cable issue
  • BIOS / Driver issues

These are basic and most common faults and problems accur during the usage of our reliable and expensive notebooks. Any of the problem could accur any time like some sort of breakage and some of the problems accur after little usage of laptops. By take small but important steps one can avoid these and many other problems which are potientially due to accur in most of the laptops.


Life of Laptops

Laptops are expensive gadgets. These notebooks can costs from 700 $ to more than 200o $. Considering the price range of these technology built machines, their life time is normally lesser than it should be. Normally used notebooks which go under working from 9 to 5 have life spam of 2 years. Those laptops which are used in field work have even lesser life time. Nothing gets wrong with the motherboards or processors, but some kind of breakage is always done during certain period of time which makes it useless for any work. Some time keys of keyboard lose effect upon pressing and some time its LCD breaks from joints. More often than not, battery life time goes way down, some times laptop charger fuses and do not charge the laptop. Some times new its DVD drive stops working. There are many more problems which happens during life spam of single laptop.


Laptop Technology.

There was time when having laptop costs a fortune and not many people could afford it. It was only rewarded to people at higher posts and business men. But now time has changed a lot, these notebooks with high specifications are commonly used. Many people will be found in different public spots with different brands of notebooks working with the virtue of wireless internet known as WiFi. These public spots can be local coffee shops, malls, libraries and some times even in parking lot.
Computing needs are constantly growing every second, higher processing power processors with huge ram memory is now been used in computers to meet the modern world requirements.
Mobile computers are the basic needs for every field and professions weathers its sofware engineer or electric engineer, its computer teacher or even teacher of any subject, without laptops and computers things do not seems that easy.


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