Laptop keyboard problems

Keyboard is part which gets most of the hammering, weather it is laptop or desktop computers. Keyboard of desktop computers can be replaced easily once they get ineffective, but when keyboard of laptops become useless entire laptop becomes useless. This can happen whiling normal typing and any key of keyboard can become ineffective. There are two major reasons for this problem.

We work on our notebooks day in day out but do not clean it before using it, what damages the keyboard most is dust, dust partials keeps getting collected in side keyboard, constant cleaning is must for keeping the keyboard in working condition. Dust particles continue to reside in keyboard small gaps and eventually make keys or in some case entire keyboard useless. It is strongly recommended to keep the keyboard clean after and before using it. There is one more tip which can be helpful, try to keep the peace of cloth on the keyboard before shutting it down. This will help to reduce dust to reside in keyboards.

One other reason for keys to get ineffective is the way of typing. If we press the keys hard and hit our fingers forcefully over keyboard that can be dangerous for keyboards. This is can break the internal structure of keys beneath the keyboard and can ruin your notebook forever. It is recommended to use soft hands for typing and do not press keys with force.


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