Laptop booting problems

Along with so many other problems there is one more unseen problem with most of the laptops. They just wont boot when it is turned on. There can be many reasons for not booting, it is either hardrive problem, mother board problem or can be a ram problem. There may be some thing wrong with Laptop LCD which does not show the display but rest of the machine is works fine, it may give impression that laptop is not booting specially for non technical notebooks users.
There is one thing which i am sure not many people would not know about why Laptops wont boot apart from problems mentioned above. This is feature not a problem, it actually saves your notebook for any sort of further damage. For example in Sony Vaio laptops if some thing is wrong with power management unit insite laptop, or if it is mother board issue or any thing which may harm your computer on showing display it will stop it display for avoide further damages.
There are no recommendations as such to avoid the sitation and this can happen to any brand of laptop. The only appropriate way is to go to laptop repaire centre who have good enough experience in repaire problems in notebooks.


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