Laptop breaking problems

This image will show you how laptop is broken from one of its left joint which holds the lower body or laptop and LCD togather.

Laptops are opened to start work and it has to be closed for shutting it down. During this on going process of opening and closing it we usually make mistakes which damage the sensitive portion of laptops which join both halves of machine together. This kind of damage is mostly occurred due to the way of our holding habits of notebooks. Of course no one do that on purpose but holding it with certain angles put joints under immense pressure which eventually break them apart and bring laptop life to its very end.

The major and most un noticeable act of users is of holding it with two hands, grabbing lower portion of machine with one both hand and LCD portion hanging in air all by it self, in this certain way it effect corner edges of notebook and by continuing this way of holding will definitely break or lose the joints holding both portions together. (See the image to understand how not to hold your laptop.)

It is always recommend closing the machine and then moving it around, this way it will be in better grip and no pressure would be exerted on joints of laptops, hence giving it life for longer period of time. One other safe way of holding your open laptop is by holding it from lower body with one of the hands, and hold the LCD corner with other hand. by this no extra pressure or force would be exerted over laptop joints and it will continue to keep the joints together for long time. (See the picture for better understanding).

One very obvious and common reason for this kind of breakage is shutting the laptop down with force or leaving it in half way so that it fall it self, opening it forcefully can damage it too. Applying extra pressure on laptops’ one half puts extra pressure on the other half. This pressure is exerted on the joints of the laptop which hold both the halves together. It is highly recommend to open and close your laptop politely and with soft hands and do not apply extra force to quickly open it, it will only effect and damage from sensitive points.


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